Month: December 2009

New Device: iPhone

I’m psyched!  I’m long overdue for a hardware refresh, and Christmas helped move me along.

On the digitalism front, I’ll be testing my resolve…since I’ve really acquired a portable computer that doubles as a phone.  The iTunes app store is something I’ve had no interest in, but after only 48 hours of getting my hands on the phone, I see it’s going to be tough to hold off on adding lame and unnecessary apps.

Already on my netbook, I’ve installed iTunes (and its required QuickTime).  It’s a bulky app, but a fairly necessary evil for managing iPhone media content.

I’ll be updating the rest of the site soon.

Now Testing: Eye Defender

I’ve been a bit freaked out lately that my eyesight is slowly degenerating because I stare at a computer screen 12+ hours a day.

computer monitor

EyeDefender is an app that will cue you every 45 minutes (or custom interval) that it’s time to give the ol’ peepers a rest.  I just hope I can actually take the time to follow through…