
Hello there! My name is Matthew C. Anderson, but you may also know me just as “Matt”, or then again you may not know me personally at all. Regardless of that–welcome!

My Digitalism is my personal blog where I feature an assortment of posts about what’s on my mind outside of the workplace. When I started the site back in 2009 my focus was on the computer hardware and software that I used in my day-to-day. Over time, the rapid introduction of new cloud and mobile apps made this seemingly-simple mission rather difficult to maintain. So instead it has morphed into my brain-dumping area.


PNM020216cEmelia-15bwI currently live in Wayzata, MN with my wife Jess, daughter Emelia, and dog Stormie. I’m not much for most social media (such as Facebook, it’s just not that appealing to me), but I do like to write blogs, tweet, and post pictures on Instagram.

For work, I’m a presales Solution Architect at Hitachi Solutions, where I’ve been the last 5 years. My role gives me the chance to listen to our prospect/client challenges, then have a discussion around the people, process, and technology. I get to travel, but usually just a day or two at a time, so things stay manageable and I’m otherwise able to work from home.

When I’m not working or spending quality time with the family, I have a bunch of hobbies:

  • I play bass guitar in a classic rock cover band, Bourbon Renewal
  • I love public speaking and regularly attend a Toastmasters club, Tonka Talkers, to keep my skills sharp
  • I play lots of board and tabletop games, and even host a couple of board game podcasts with Jess, The Gateway Game Shelf, The Game Shelf Campaigns
  • I capture a personal journal entry daily (and have for over a decade)
  • I’m a University of Minnesota alum/huge Gopher fan, and have been a football season ticket holder for 15 years, but also enjoy volleyball, hockey, and basketball games
  • I like to stay tidy and unencumbered with extra “stuff”