
Computers still surprise me sometimes

I recently got a new work computer and I’ve been squinting at my external monitor because the image hasn’t been that great. I’ve checked and re-checked the resolution (no issue there).

Who/how/why was the plug-and-play monitor adapter set for a 59 Hertz refresh rate instead of 60 Hertz?

Oy. Happy 2014.

Tumblr Stopped Aggregating My Feeds

I’ve been using Tumblr to serve my content behind for the last few months.  For the most part, it does what I want it to: acts as a central point for most of my online postings to be aggregated.  It’s not exactly what I want to have (which I’ll discuss further in another Dream posting) but it’s been good enough.

Old Content...

Correction-I was satisfied using some standard feature  functionality of their service, until about a month ago when they stopped monitoring my RSS feed.  Boo.  It looks like I’ve had a dead site since September 27th.

My hope was that it was going to be a temporary blip…but at this point I’m pretty confident that there’s a larger issue that’s not going to magically fix itself.

At this point, I’m debating jumping ship from Tumblr altogether.  I haven’t posted anything directly through their interface…not once.  It has truly been a repository for pulling everything into one spot (think Yahoo Pipes but more hidden).

For now, I’m going to sleep on it, hoping I’ll have an epiphany by tomorrow evening when I’ll have time to address the issue.