Month: October 2010

Good News! Watching with your Wii just got easier


You no longer need the Netflix instant streaming disc to instantly watch with your Wii? console.
Good news! You no longer need the instant streaming disc.
Dear Matthew,

You no longer need the instant streaming disc to instantly watch with your Wii™ console.

Wii and TV
To watch instantly via Wii without the disc:

Simply download the Netflix channel from the Wii Shop Channel on your Wii™ console and follow the on-screen instructions.

That's it. There's no need to send the disc back to Netflix.


–Your friends at Netflix

Interesting Music Preferences Chart

In short they've plotted artists in an XY grid based on listeners' gender and age. Apparently I fall mostly into the middle ground.  When I started picking it apart, I wondered how much the element of time impacts this chart (taking, for example, the prevalence of the "Glee Cast"), considering relative popularity in a short time VS the timeless nature of some of these artists (The Beatles).

The source data for this is based on usage of music service. (via